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Does it Really Matter?

Many church goers know of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and even would tell you it's important for us, but many couldn't tell you why. This series walks through why the Gospel matters so that we can better apply it's truth to our lives and be eager to share that with others.

TitleSubjectDelivered ByDate
The Most Important ThingDoes it Really Matter?Pastor Zach HaffeckeSunday,
October 1, 2023
Setting the Captives FreePastor Zach HaffeckeSunday,
September 24, 2023
Help in Times of TroubleDoes it Really Matter?Pastor Zach HaffeckeSunday,
September 17, 2023
A World Without Good NewsWhy the Gospel MattersPastor Zach HaffeckeSunday,
September 10, 2023